UK Plows £95M Into Climate-Smart Agriculture For 4 Million Nigerians

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Newsin brief:
– UK has initiated a £95 million Propcom+ program in Nigeria, aiming to enhance food security and combat climate change by empowering 4 million Nigerians through sustainable agricultural practices.
– It includes providing farmers with improved seeds, fertilisers, and climate-smart technologies, focusing on doubling harvests, promoting bio-fortified crops, and addressing malnutrition.

The UK government has launched a £95 million program called Propcom+, with a view to boosting food security and combat climate change in Nigeria. The initiative aims to empower 4 million Nigerians, with a special focus on women, through sustainable agricultural practices.

Propcom+ programme is poised to double harvest, provide optimal nutrition for Nigerian citizens, empower women, mitigate climate change activities, and improve air quality.

Farmers are to receive improved seeds, fertilisers, and irrigation technologies as part of the programme. While it will increase farmers’ yields and income, it will also promote bio-fortified crops with essential vitamins and minerals, and tackle malnutrition, especially among vulnerable children and pregnant women.

Additionally, the project employs climate-smart practices like drought-resistant crops to prepare farmers for erratic weather patterns to safeguard long-term food security and empower the environment.

Other benefits of the programme includes the promotion of sustainable land management, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and conserving precious soil and water resources.

Propcom+ initially targets the North West and North East regions of the country, which are most vulnerable to climate change and food insecurity. It also addresses deforestation and promotes sustainable land management in key Southern states.

Furthermore, labor-saving devices, digital financial services, and climate-smart technologies to empower farmers with increased productivity, reduce drudgery, and provide access to essential resources will be provided.

Also, Propcom+ builds upon the success of the UK’s previous Propcom Mai-karfi program, which supported over 1.25 million people in Northern Nigeria.

It was launched in August 2023 by UK Foreign Secretary James Cleverly and is still in its inception phase, which will last until January 2024. The eight-year program is implemented by The Palladium Group, a seasoned development partner.

Joseph Akahome
Joseph Akahome
Joseph O Akahome (OJ) is a writer, with a Bachelor of Arts degree in English and Literature from the University of Benin. He is an avid agriculturist, with a bias for poultry and an insatiable appetite for chicken wings. When he is neither reading nor researching, he likes to spend recreational time playing board games, or swimming in serene forested lakes.


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