Scandinavian Broiler Farming Techniques Offer Lessons For UK Farmers

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News in Brief:
– Scandinavian broiler farmers prioritise superior insulation and environmental enrichments, contrasting with UK practices.
– Insights from Scandinavian welfare practices highlight the need for evidence-based approaches and industry engagement among local farmers.

In a recent address to the South West Chicken Association conference, Kieron Daniels, Aviagen broiler technical services manager, shed light on the distinct welfare practices observed among Scandinavian broiler farmers. With implications for local farmers, Daniels’ observations offer valuable insights into enhancing welfare standards.

Scandinavian farmers excel in insulating their houses, mitigating the impact of extreme temperatures. This contrasts sharply with the UK, where higher levels of seasonality persist despite milder temperature extremes. The superior insulation in Scandinavian farms potentially contributes to lower reject levels and mortality rates.

Additionally, unlike the UK, where assurance schemes emphasise straw bales and perches, Scandinavian farmers prioritise environmental enrichments like platforms and dust baths. The focus on UV lighting over windows in Scandinavia influences bird behavior, impacting factors such as water lines and heat stress.

Daniels highlights the drawbacks of traditional perch systems in the UK, citing stress and health issues. Scandinavian farms, on the other hand, employ platform systems that promote bird movement and natural behaviors. The disparity in enrichment emphasises the need for evidence-based practices in welfare management.

Daniels stresses the significance of adopting Scandinavian welfare practices, especially in light of global initiatives like the European Chicken Commitment. With substantial funding dedicated to improving welfare standards, there’s a growing demand for evidence-backed approaches.

Encouraging local producers to engage in discussions and assessments, Daniels stresses the need for transparency and efficacy in farm assurance schemes. Participation in initiatives like the National Farmers’ Union meetings can shape a more resilient and consumer-trusted assurance system.

Chinwendu Ohabughiro
Chinwendu Ohabughiro
Chinwendu Gift Ohabughiro has a background in English and Literary Studies from Imo State University. She brings a fresh perspective to the world of agriculture writing. When she's not penning compelling content, she's likely lost in the pages of a thrilling mystery or treating herself to the sinful delight of chocolate.


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