EU Commission Proposes Review Of Common Agricultural Policy

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News in Brief:
– The European Commission proposes targeted revisions to the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) to alleviate administrative burdens on EU farmers and enhance environmental flexibility.
– These proposed changes aim to support small-scale farmers, improve transparency in the food supply chain, and maintain the CAP’s role in fostering sustainable agriculture.

The European Commission has tabled proposals for a focused review of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) to ease the regulatory load on EU farmers and enhance their environmental flexibility. These measures respond directly to the clamour from farmers’ representatives and Member States for reduced administrative burdens.

The proposed amendments aim to strike a balance between maintaining the CAP’s crucial role in fostering sustainable agriculture and addressing the concerns of farmers and Member States.

Commission president, Ursula von der Leyen, emphasised the importance of adapting agricultural policy to evolving challenges while prioritising environmental protection and climate adaptation.

The proposed changes include a targeted review of certain environmental conditionalities, such as those related to landscape features, crop rotation, and soil cover during sensitive periods. Notably, EU farmers will have more leeway in maintaining non-productive areas on their land and choosing between crop rotation and diversification.

Acknowledging the administrative burdens faced by small-scale farmers, the Commission proposes exemptions for farms under 10 hectares from certain compliance controls and penalties. This move aims to alleviate the regulatory pressure on small farmers who constitute a significant portion of CAP beneficiaries.

Recognising the need to enhance farmers’ remuneration and strengthen their position in the food supply chain, the Commission suggests measures to increase transparency on costs and margins. Additionally, options for reinforcing contractual rules and empowering producer organisations are under consideration.

The proposals will undergo discussions with agriculture ministers and the European Parliament, aiming for swift agreement to implement the changes. The Commission’s efforts reflect a commitment to supporting EU farmers amidst evolving challenges and fostering a more resilient and sustainable agricultural sector.

Chinwendu Ohabughiro
Chinwendu Ohabughiro
Chinwendu Gift Ohabughiro has a background in English and Literary Studies from Imo State University. She brings a fresh perspective to the world of agriculture writing. When she's not penning compelling content, she's likely lost in the pages of a thrilling mystery or treating herself to the sinful delight of chocolate.


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