Rain-fed farming has always been Nigeria's main farming activity. Major crops like maize, yam and cassava are grown during raining season because they rely on rain as a source of water.
A medieval village, which was flooded in the 1960s by a lake that feeds the Sau Reservoir, emerged. The reservoir was at 7% capacity in April 2023 and will continue depleting if rain fails to fall.
The NUPRC's Executive Commissioner, Economic Regulation & Strategic Planning, Kelechi Ofoegbu, said that several challenges have negated the efforts going into increasing oil and gas production.
The initiative realized $62 million but that grew into $600 million in the following three months, which was the second quarter of 2022. By the third quarter, it posted $900 million.
Typically, if a country is not able to pay the principal and interest payments due on its debts, creditors can take legal action to recover their money. They could even seize the country's assets if it came to that. Could this happen to the US?